My friend said she was off to do some earthconversing. I like how she turned my vision of Earth Converse into a verb.

Earthconversing (v) – to intentionally be in communion with nature.

The beautiful aliveness of consciously being in relationship, in conversation, in communion with nature. To feel truly alive and connected with your own nature through wider nature.  You will have your own words for it.

In connecting and co-creating in this way, we are in a mind and heartset to make better decisions for ourselves, each other and the earth that is our home.   Essential in all we do, from our day to day choices, to climate action and living our potential.

So where we do we start?

We start with ourselves.  We can reflect on our own relationship with nature. The uniqueness and universality of our own story.

As I reflect on mine, I can see the young girl obliviously immersed in nature. Where nature was my refuge, the only one that I could tell my secrets to.  Or later, those times in sustainability being an intellectual exercise rather than an embodied experience. And then momentum gaining through becoming a coach. Self-reflecting and tuning my own intuition. And then deepening my heart listening and feeling of oneness through vipassana meditation practice.

And from there it was a natural, no pun intended, turn to nature-based wisdom. With the likes of School of Lost Borders (SOLB), the soulcraft of Bill Plotkin’s work, and depth psychology with wise man Ray Hillis I have learnt to live in this double meaning universe. The real and the symbolic.  That the moon is the moon and a guide, a bird in the sky is a bird but also a spirit.  For this, I can see why SOLB founders, Steven Foster and Meredith Little wisely wrote, “if we cannot value our own inherent wisdom, the bird and the moon will have nothing to reveal to us”.

And as I continue on this path, in this energy field, I am able to invite others to do their own earthconversing.

How do we converse with the earth?

As my vision guide Emerald North said on the #earthconversepodcast, “this being in nature, is just a slight turn of the head, and looking with a different perspective”.

For really, it is simply and profoundly engaging, in maybe a different way than you have been programmed to do. Where disbelief is suspended and where you co-create your reality in the wider natural world, through your own inner nature.

Even if you feel you are projecting your own voice, you go with it. You find yourself loosening the grip on your judgements. You quieten some more and notice you stay in relationship with what is there. Where you feel into the liveness of your body and its wisdom to sense, remember and respond.

Let go of the need to hear your mother tongue and spoken word.  

And notice how nature converses in sensations, emotions, images, signs, symbols and metaphors.  How it reveals through beauty, in your meaning making and the love, compassion and awe you experience.

It is how we can start any conscious conversation really…

  • Introduce yourself
  • Be present, with an open heart and open mind
  • Get curious, allowing space for all perspectives and emotions
  • Listen and feel deeply, with your heart
  • Co-create, bringing meaning to your experience and letting what needs to emerge, emerge

Earth Converse offerings

At Earth Converse we are part of the global community that helps leaders have the conversations they need to: with themselves, each other and the earth that is our home.

Some of our offerings include:

#earthconversepodcast: a package of 50 episodes exploring our conversations and relationship with the earth, and a bonus series of future visualizations. Available on your favourite platform.

#earthconverseseeds: seeds of inspiration, prompts and practices on becoming more conscious with our relationship with nature. On the Earth Converse YouTube channel, and in essay form on Medium and via our leadership blog

Coaching a nature based, whole systems and mindful approach to leadership coaching for those who want to step up in their people and planet responsibilities.

Leadership programmes: integrated development journeys for those who wish to build leadership and coaching capability in service of the world. As well as specific executive team support.

Nature-connection practices in Mallorca including micro vision-quests.

Ongoing conversations

It is an ongoing practice.  An ongoing commitment. Every day initiates us into earth conversing. You will see.

(Here’s an A to Z of earthconversing to remind you of all those unlimited possibilities).

And if you would like help, contact us here.


  • Foster, S. and Little, S , 1984, The Trail to The Sacred Mountain, A Vision Fast Handbook For Adults, Lost Borders Press pg 51
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