“And you?
When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”
The time has come in your leadership to deepen your self inquiry and wildly expand your perspectives to truly serve people and planet.
Your ability to lead, innovate, vision and collaborate is dependent on your own nature connection and sense of wholeness. Our experiential programme journeys support you in this exploration through a whole-system, mindful and nature-based approach. Offering inspiration from ancient wisdom and traditions as well as current thinking, we encourage you to take self responsibility and step up into your own lived experience.
Our fusion framework outlines 3 circling phases…
You will be immersed in a way you may never have been before. It will be challenging and like a hero’s journey, will involve severance, threshold crossing and incorporation to return home with renewed resourcefulness and inspiration.
Throughout, you will experience new ways of perceiving, conversing and connecting. As well as a stronger ability to read, respond and revere the natural world.
You will emerge with a greater clarity about how to contribute to life affirming organisations and societies.
For sure, these journeys come to you at a time, when via a whisper or a roar in your ear, you know that as a conscious leader, a deeper connection with your own nature, and wider nature is what’s required.
If we surrended
To earth’s intelligence
We could rise up rooted, like trees
(from Book of Hours, II, 16 by Rainer Maria Rilke)