“What am I to do with my one, wild, precious life?”  

How can I experience Mallorca in a unique and conscious way? 


Living amidst the natural wonders of Mallorca is magical.  And my joy is sharing this magic with you to awaken your own.

 If you are visiting, I offer you the opportunity to enjoy the island as the wonderful holiday destination it is, in a more conscious way.  If you live here, you will appreciate the opportunity to deepen your own connection.  Either way, the island becomes a sacred experiential space and a playground for your soul, to understand what truly matters to you.

For those longing for a long weekend experience,  join us on

14 – 16 March 2025*

for the

Earth Converse Spring Reset

  • invitationWhat is the invitation?

    The invitation is to winter well and book in this reset for when spring comes. (We have a big year ahead!)

    This Earth Converse Spring Reset will gift you the space, stimulus and support to refresh your perspectives and possibilities so you may make better choices for your leadership and life, people and planet.

    As a nature-based retreat you will immerse yourself in beauty and nourishment in all its forms.   Where you can reawaken your hibernating winter self, and welcome in a new cycle with a refreshed and relaxed nervous system.  A chance to review the resolutions you may have made in the new year, and remember who you are and what you are to do. And where you find inspiration for the transitions between seasons of your own life.

    You will leave feeling more resourceful and creative with ways you can live and lead.



  • what's involvedWhat will the retreat involve?

    It will be a simple and profound time.  A time of practicing presence, suspending disbelief and opening up to new conversations with yourself, others and the earth that is our home. An opportunity to attend to yourself and re-envision your future in co-creation with the life that is here. And to remember the unlimited ways we can reset ourselves at any time.

    For to know your life, is to serve life.

    You will immerse yourself in nature-based (self) leadership practices to reinvigorate your own wellbeing, creativity and evolution.

    Over the long weekend, you will open to earthconversing:

    • silence, stillness and mystery
    • nature connection pathways
    • radical listening and deep inquiry
    • coaching and dialogue practices with circles of care
    • nourishment for yourself and the planet
    • rites of passage

    And both pre and post retreat, you will have a 30 min connection call with Penelope, to enhance your learning.


  • who is it for?Who is it for?

    It will be for those of you who:

    • long to develop a more intimate relationship with the world
    • are increasingly more curious about your own leadership and life trajectory
    • are ready for your own inspiration

    For some of you, it will be a chance to experience Earth Converse and nature-based coaching and leadership, before you decide to commit to one of our longer programmes and retreats such as the Earth Converse Coaching Journey.

    **Should you then decide to embark on the Earth Converse Coaching Journey as a result, the cost of the Spring Reset will be deducted from the full coaching programme price. 


  • retreatWhere will it be held?

    We will be hosted by the land and home of charming Coll d’es Pi in Estellencs, in the world heritage site of the Serra de Tramuntana in Mallorca.  Between the mountains and sea, this is a place of outstanding natural beauty and a home which has been nurtured by Marga and Javi as an oasis of meditation and mindfulness on the island.

    Coll de's Pi

    terrace Coll De's Pi

    bedroom example

    retreat bedrooms

  • who facilitatesWho will be our retreat guide?

    I am Penelope Mavor,  founder of Earth Converse, and my coaching, guidance and facilitation is fundamental to the uniqueness of the retreat.

    My art and skill comes from over 25 years of working with leaders and groups. With a skilled touch to raise your own awareness, guidance on earthconversing and nature-based practices, a bundle of leadership tools at my disposal and deep care and compassion, I will be honoured to witness your experience and guide you.

  • chefWho will be our chef?



    Dear friend Laura Canepuccia will be nourishing our bodies and soul with her presence and delicious food.  With a wealth of experience, immense passion and care, she will delight our senses.

    To know more of her work, check out her website and follow her on instagram

    Laura food

    Laura food

  • scheduleHow much and what else do I need to know?*
    • This all-inclusive retreat including the preparation and integration calls is offered at a cost of €930 each (VAT incl).
    • The early bird has closed but bursaries and flexible payment plans remain available.
    • Group size is limited to 8.
    • Rooms are twin-shares (helping with connection and being comfortable out of your comfort zone!).
    • You will need to base your travel plans for arriving at Coll d’es Pi by 14:00 on Friday 14 March and leaving around 11:00 am on Sunday 16 March 2025.
    • To enhance the retreat experience, you will be encouraged to disconnect from your phone and normal distractions during the time.

    *And if you can’t make the dates but really want to treat yourself to a retreat, consider coming to the Mind Body Soul Retreat, that Penelope is co-guiding with friend, gifted osteopath, physiotherapist and healer Maria J. Gil (Chiqui) on 28 – 30 March 2025 in the gorgeous Agriturismo of Son Burguet in Mallorca (details and sign up here).

    ** The cost of attending either this Earth Converse Spring Reset or Mind Body Soul will be deducted from the full coaching programme price should you then decide to enrol in the Earth Converse Coaching Journey.



  • how do I registerThis is definitely for me. How do I sign up?

    That’s the spirit!

    As your next step, please fill out this form or get in touch here

    (we don’t do one-click purchases!)

      If you require an invoice, please provide your invoicing address
      If you have any disabilities or learning difficulties you wish to share, please do it here
      You will receive confirmation by email after submitting your form.




    And here is a reminder of the three offerings that are always open for you:

    🌟Outdoor Coaching – Tailored 1:1 coaching focused on your path and goals in your ideal environment (seafront, forest, mountain..)

    🌟 Nature-Immersion Soul Stroll: A facilitated multi-sensory experience ‘walkshop’ involving coaching conversations and nature-based practices. Where you can explore nature as a mirror and a guide for wellbeing, decision making, creativity and purpose.

    🌟 Solo Together – A supported multi-hour modern-day rite of passage and micro vision quest, where we practice being in solitude with nature and mystery in order to reconnect with ourselves and bring back a clearer vision.

    If you feel the call, call!