(From my Scottish roots…“Till/until the cows come home: aka..a very long time)

Yes, leaders…you may find yourself telling the same thing over and over again.

My friend,  a healer is frustrated with the lack of progress her client is making: “I keep telling her the same thing and she doesn’t change”.

A business friend is similarly exhausted with their team: “they keep coming back with the same problem”.

Or parenting, like my older sister who half joking says “I don’t need to be there..I just need to have a recorder on loop saying brush your teeth, tidy your room…”

And as I observed with an executive and his team. There he was with his experience, skills and charisma jumping in with how he would run the project. Rather than using it as a development opportunity for them.

Yes, you can keep telling. Some of it might land and be useful. But most likely it will not ignite awareness and innovation in the other.

Neuroscience tells us

I know it is a rush (that’s the dopamine hit) when you give a solution or feel like you are helping with your wise counsel. But the rush is for you. It doesn’t necessarily light up the other.

And our answers are because of our “wiring”, based on our genetic makeup, parenting, experiences and knowledge. No two brains are alike. So what works for you, may not always work for the other.

If as leaders we are truly to help people to learn, innovate, blossom and contribute to a thriving team and planet, I am telling you as an experienced leadership coach. We need to tell less and ask powerful questions, more.

That is why I believe in #coaching. 

Nature-connected coaching

The mindset, heartset, skills and techniques that help bring a person’s ideas into consciousness are fundamental for our individual and collective evolution. To learn how to coach with nature as our source, guide, supervisor and stakeholder is even more potent and transformative.

Our 6 month Earth Converse Coaching Journey offers an integrated coaching development programme for leaders who know their role is to develop others for the good of their organisation and the planet.

It’s all here.Will you take a look?





Thank you to Jakob Cotton for photon on Unsplash

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But just tell me what to do!

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