It is natural we look outside ourselves for inspiration, for the world is full of it!
And I believe we are over-programmed to look outside ourselves for answers.
We have conditioned ourselves through parental and societal influences, to prioritise the opinions of others.
It is too easy to fall into the habit of turning to a partner, parent, friend, therapist, guru, god..and crikey, now chat GPT…before we have actually asked ourselves.
And too often we make an enemy of our own mind and not trust the signals of our own body. We loose faith in the wisdom of own heart and the sensations in our own belly.
Part of our growth and evolution is to remember to access our own inspiration.
It is in the word, to breathe in.
Nobody else can do that for us.
The inspiration paradox
Paradoxically it is usually an external voice that sparks that inner inquiry. An event, a gap in the market, a frustration (Anita Roddick from the Body Shop said “the source of our frustration is the source of inspiration”, a breakup, an illness, a pain, a market crash, a podcast episode…
Paradoxically we may need to learn from others how to distinguish other’s voices from our own, how to observe ourselves with compassion, how to access our intuition, how to alchemise envy and comparison of others into our own longings and gifts, how to apply leadership advice into our own life. In other words, to learn how to see that the external world is a mirror of our own internal world.
Paradoxically we may need another to provide the space, stimulus and support to guide and witness our journey. Our clever sabotage strategies mean we may not actually dedicate time and energy to self-reflect and self-resource unless someone helps us. And we know how energised we are when we are in good company. After all, to breathe in, is to breathe out.
I see the role of myself with Earth Converse is to provide the solid ground for you to do your own self exploration. To help you see the unfolding mystery that you are, here between the earth and the sky.
Paradoxically, I invite you to reach out, to go in!