A leader was not feeling listened to by her inner circle. She wanted to tell a story about her own pain. A story that needed to be heard about attempting to commit suicide when she a teenager. Something she had wrapped up for 30 years.

Beyond the psychotherapy she was engaged in it, she wanted to speak about it to her dear friends.

Yet when she did, she was left with a sense of emptiness. And questioning herself. Was I just attention seeking in telling it? Am I justifying my behaviour through this wound?

I suggested she ‘take it to the land’. Go out on your own and tell it to wider nature. Tell it the way you want, don’t hold back.  If you think you are finished, stay a little longer to see if it is all out.  And I told her, that if after she felt like telling me her story, I would mirror it back to her.

She returned. Having gone to look out to sea/see. “I can’t believe what a good listener nature is”.

I asked her if she wanted to tell me her story.

“No, I feel like it has been heard”.

And I love that.  How she had felt deeply listened to by nature. In all its purity without judgement. Being fully accepted and supported,  a healing had taken place. Something has been laid to rest.

Nature is that deep listener.

And we can do that for her.

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