Do you love nature?

Many a leader will say, they love nature. They tell me they like nothing better to go out to nature to relax.  Which is, of course wonderful.  Indeed for many, holidays are about enjoying big nature experiences.  In the mountains, at sea, at the beach, in the forest or just enjoying relaxing under starry skies.

And yet, returning to ‘normal´life, that experience becomes something separate. Locked away.

Nature is something that you ‘be in’ after work, in the weekend, in your ‘spare time’.

It is not felt as something that is part, and parcel of who you are, the life you are in and the contribution you can make.

As a consequence, day to day choices and actions, stakeholder conversations and strategic business decisions take place unconsciously. Disconnected with what is truly life-affirming.

This time, come back from your holidays, to commit to the holiness that is here.  The sacredness of life and your evolution into greater wholeness.  See how your inner and outer worlds are reflections of each other.

Earth Converse invites you into this contemplation and conversation, with yourself, your team and the earth that is our home.   Contact us here for support.


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