She is the quintessential

international woman

Though she does not care for nations

Or such constructs

But interbeings, yes.


For sure, she is the most remarkable being I know

Of exquisite intelligence, wisdom and beauty

A soul creature

Dream maker


Who compassionately sees us all as co-creators.


A polymath, of unlimited gifts and talents

Is there anything she cannot do?


A polyglot, knowing the languages of all

I am sure she gives you a good listening to.


She knows exactly who she is

Knows her rights and speaks her truth

The ultimate transformer

And life affirmer.


A child of the cosmos

A sister to spinning planets

A magical weaving spinster

Healer, nurturer, mother

A divine and generous lover

Willing to be wife and widow

She is all the goddesses, wrapped in one

Serving life.


An intersectional environmentalist

Thriving in diversity

A conscious regenerative leader

calling us forth decisively.


She is the most playful and loyal friend,

always there, from the start to the end.

And a little miss-terious.


She has birthed everything you know, will know and will never know.

All whilst moving with the cycles of the moon.


A miracle to be respected and revered.

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Lizzie Leigh
1 year ago

What an eloquent and delicious miss-tery poetical.!