I adore Italy. For sure I don’t understand it in its entirety but I adore it. When I lived there, there were distinct advantages being an outsider. Like the time I was invited to run a programme in Beijing “to help the Chinese work more effectively with the Italians”. it was such an adventure. And a great occasion to reflect on what I had learnt about the Italians to that point. As a result I engineered with a mixture of English and Italian, and a dose of stereotyping, the idea of the 8Fs (there are more Fs..but they didn’t fit into my lucky Chinese eight).
Italy as a nation is less than 200 years old and regional in viewpoint. But it has a collective pride in its ancient civilisation, history and traditions. This pride lives in the earth and seeps from the marble. It is in the pores of the skin. And is a confidence and pride that comes from once ruling the world. Gladiators and little Caesars roam with abandon.
Birth-rates and marriage rates may be low and divorce increasing. But the family is still the central building block of Italian society. At its heart? La mama and this will always be so.
Italian food does not exist. Full Stop. It’s regional at most. Of unwavering importance is the sharing food with friends and family. Of spending time eating and talking. It is not about sustenance. Food is a social and business lubricant. Of (g)astronomic proportions.
Italians may not regularly turn up to church. But the fact that Italy, and specifically Rome is the headquarters of the catholic faith, is apparent. Hierarchy and control can be seen in all relationships. As can values of freedom and forgiveness. Which seem to amount to interesting power dynamics. A kind of individualism-collectivism and a large dose of pragmatism.
Is this the other ‘religion’ for the majority? I think I heard the expression, you can change your job, home and partner, but you can never change your football team.
Or in particular bella figura, is about making a favourable impression. Rest assured you are being judged. Surrounded by beauty, beauty and appearances do matter. It is more than dressing well. It extends to the aura you project in your confidence, demeanour and charm-factor.
This is cunning and a quality admired by many. In a positive sense it is the inexhaustible source of wisdom, cleverness and flexibility to find unusual and extraordinary ways to overcome difficult realities and achieve your goals. At best, it is exhibited in Italians sense of creativity and entrepreneurialism. At worst, well I am not sure, but it may include the financial crises.
There is a typical Italian saying “fidarsi è bene, non fidarsi è meglio” (“trusting is good; not trusting is better”). I guess it is no wonder with all the numerous wars, political upheavals and economic changes over the centuries, trust is built slowly, from a base of family and close friends. From getting your bank account to securing a client contract, third party introductions are crucial. Italians, with their warmth and loquaciousness make relationship building a pleasure and an art. A fundamental ritual in building those relationships? It starts with..un bel caffè.
- Dedicated to all those warm hearted Italians who I know.
- Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash
how clearly we see others! could I write the same as a New Zealander..
Peeling the Italian onion skin – & LOVE that photo!