What is your challenge?

How do you want to co-create?

Our work is to help you reconnect with what is here. To embody sustainability so you may make better choices for your leadership and life, people and planet.

And we do that through a whole-system, mindful, coaching and nature-based approach.

We operate as a boutique leadership collaborative: small enough to give you that attention and intimacy, and expansive enough thanks to a vibrant network, to offer a diverse and deep range of perspectives, experiences and approaches for your evolution.

In working with you, we acknowledge the uniqueness and universality of your context.  Your individuality and interconnectedness.   And with so much out of your control as a leader, team or organisation, we will help you focus on what is within your sphere of influence, which will be liberating and empowering.

We are about experiencing life. Sustainability and regeneration are not academic or technical exercises – we need to feel, embody and integrate their essence into our being and doing.  Nature is our ultimate playground, classroom, stakeholder, shareholder, source,  mirror, lens – inviting you to explore your connection, risks and opportunities, challenges, visions and paths forward.  Whether online or in person, we bring in the life that is here to inform and inspire.

Offering tools from ancient wisdom and traditions as well as current thinking, combined with a facilitative approach to help you feel, reflect and imagine, you will emerge with both blue sky ideas and small ‘seed’ actions that move you in the direction of the change and future you want.

Engaging with us, whether in 1:1 coaching, team or group facilitation, to organisational cultural change, will always involve these 3 facets.

1) understanding your context and needs via conversations and data gathering
follow up
3) following up to support learning and change
2) co-creative facilitated conversations and experiential learning to stimulate reflection, ownership and creativity

Through the earthconverse E’s of engaging with nature, we will help you find your answers.

Envisioning: contemplating your nature connection, remembering the feeling of oneness we all have and visioning what you want to manifest

Embodying: going beyond intellectualizing to experience nature in a fully immersive heart-felt embodied way

Exploring:  following your intuition and co-creating with life in an intimately expansive relationship, for insights, ideas, information and inspiration.

Enacting:  converting wisdom in action to serve life.


Here are some examples of our work from the leadership blog.  And here is where you can contact us.