Coaching is a way to liberate potential and enhance performance. To help us get from where we are to where we want to be.

It is a privilege for me to coach individuals and teams to help them on their way.  And it is equally an honour to help them learn the craft of coaching.

Time and time again, I am inspired by the leaders who are introduced to coaching and find it so liberating and empowering.   We have just finished yet another leadership development programme of which coaching was a key part. And the insights and skills gained are already having a noticeable impact in people’s professional and personal lives.

As is typical, these leaders have been promoted because of their expertise and experience. Their identity and role has been largely defined from being an expert. Having the answers and holding the knowledge.

From tell to ask

Adopting coaching as a mindset and an activity required them to step back.  To move from a default ‘tell’ mode to a more enquiry based approach.  To help the other person find their own solutions within.  And they found the change both challenging and enabling.

Quickly they understood how their beliefs and attitudes contributed to the relationship with, and performance of the other. Rather than jumping in with advice or opinions, they focused on raising the other’s awareness and responsibility.  By doing so they tapped into their capability to really listen.  And they understood how effective goal setting guides the person to find their own focus and motivation.

To help people to perform to their potential, you don’t need to be a full time professional coach.  It can be enough to believe in the other person. To care deeply and question and listen with care. And provide courageous feedback.

As colleagues we can learn to support each other on our respective journeys of transformation and growth.

Earth Converse Coaching Journey

And if you do want to deepen your coaching skills and know that it makes sense to take a nature-based approach to better serve people and planet, embark on the Earth Converse Coaching Journey.

This is a unique integrated and holistic 6 month programme to ICF standards, that has the power to positively transform your life and the way you lead.

Registrations close at 5pm on Friday 4th October 2024,  so make sure to apply here. 






And in the meantime, here are two key coaching books I recommend:

  • Whitmore, J. (2002) Coaching for Performance, Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd. London
  • Whitworth, L., Kimsey-House, K., Kimsey-House, H., and Sandahl, P. (2007) Co-Active Coaching, London: Davies-Black Publishing.
  • Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash
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